Anglistiktag 2025

in Essen


„Anglophone Studies and the Public: Past, Present and Future Debates and Interventions“

Call for Proposals “Anglistiktag 2025”

As discussed during the General Assembly in Siegen in 2023, the Anglistiktag 2025, rather than working in separate thematic sections, will have one overarching topic. The local organisers have specified the more general topic agreed upon in Siegen as follows:

Anglophone Studies and the Public: Past, Present and Future Debates and Interventions

Through research, teaching and transfer, Anglophone Studies contributes to understanding key current debates and their dynamics, online and offline, and to education in the subject of “English” as well as, more widely, to education addressing a variety of topics and values that are key to our societies, from sustainability to democracy. In all these fields, it is not the sub-disciplines individually – literary and cultural studies, linguistics and English language education –, but our discipline as a whole that can have an impact.

Thus, one central goal of the new format and the topic of the Anglistiktag 2025 is to underscore the coherence of our discipline: Instead of neatly separating literary and cultural studies, linguistics and English language education from one another, we are explicitly calling for joint formats, panels, discussions and insights, from both contemporary and historical perspectives.

For more information, please check the CfP

For submissions please use this form